MUSK is managed by two creative and flexible deaf entrepreneurs and focuses on visual and accessibility based on sign language.
Amandine Le Maire just finished her Master in Anthropology, and has always been passionated about video filming and editing, more specifically in the creative field but mainly related to Deaf culture and Deaf community.
Julie Carlier has a primary class teaching degree but attended also artistic studiesin illustration and visual communication. Herinterests forthe art and the media are shared with those of Amandine. She also appreciates the linguistic of sign language and is very interested in the interpretation and translation.
Curious, both attended various trainings and seminars related to areas they love,such as interpreting, translation, media, lers visual arts, art history. They both just have been certified as museum guide for Deaf people after attendinga training organized duringtwo years by the Brussels MRBA.

We also work with freelancers (profiles coming soon)

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Signs are to eyes what words are to ears.
– Ken Glickman